Tax contributions on your super

How much tax you pay on your super contributions and withdrawals depends on a variety of factors. The process takes into account your total super amount, your age, and the type of contribution or withdrawal you make.  How are super contributions taxed? The money that you contribute to your super account through your employer is…

Small business CGT concessions

Businesses receive four different types of concessions on top of CGT exemptions and rollovers which are available to everyone. These allow businesses to disregard or defer some or all of the capital gains from an active asset which is used in the business. The four additional concessions include: 15-year exemption: If the business has owned…

What is an annuity?

An annuity provides guaranteed income for a number of years, or for the rest of your life. It is also known as a lifetime or fixed-term pension.  You can buy an annuity from a super fund or life insurance company. You are able to choose whether you want the payments to last for a fixed…

Claiming your tax deductions

There are different types of deductions which individuals can claim to reduce their taxable income.  Work-related expenses In order to claim work-related tax deductions, the expenses must have to meet three criteria. Firstly, all the expenses have to be paid by the individual, without being reimbursed by the employer. Secondly, they must be directly related…

Super scams: What to look out for

The market for super funds is extremely competitive.Scammers take advantage of this by promising unrealistic benefits to acquire personal or account details. They are able to use this information to steal your identity or transfer your super to an account they can access.  Scammers can approach you in various ways. You could receive a phone…

How are investments taxed?

Investment income needs to be included when conducting tax returns. This includes any income acquired through interest, dividends, rent, managed funds distributions and capital gains. The income yielded from investments is taxed at a marginal tax rate.  Individuals are able to claim deductions for the cost of buying, managing and selling an investment. However, the…