Providing Affordable Housing? You Could Be Eligible For A CGT Discount

An additional 10% capital gains tax (CGT) discount may be available when you sell an Australian residential rental property that you used to provide affordable housing. This will increase the potential maximum capital gains discount percentage on your sale from 50% to 60%. What Is Affordable Housing? For the affordable housing CGT discount purposes, affordable…

What Is A Proprietary Limited Company?

In Australia, the Pty Ltd Company (proprietary limited company) is one of the most popular business structures chosen by entrepreneurs and business owners. Pty Ltd companies offer both distinct advantages and certain disadvantages that individuals should carefully consider when determining the most suitable structure for their enterprise. Benefits of a Pty Ltd Company: Limited Liability:…

What’s All The Fuss About SMSFs?

A Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is a unique and increasingly popular retirement savings vehicle. SMSFs offer individuals and families greater control, flexibility, and investment choices than traditional superannuation funds. In this article, we’ll explore what SMSFs are, how they work, their benefits, and some considerations for those interested in establishing and managing one. What is…